IP Protocol

From Alessandro's Wiki
Revision as of 13:47, 23 January 2014 by Xunil (talk | contribs)
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  • Classi di Reti inet4
/8      /              16,777,215      Chiamata classe A
/16     /            65,535          Chiamata classe B
/17     /          32,767
/18     /          16,383
/19     /          8,191
/20     /          4,095
/21     /          2,047
/22     /          1,023
/23     /          511
/24     /          255             Chiamata classe C
/25     /        127
/26     /        63
/27     /        31
/28     /        15
/29     /        7
/30     /        3
  • pingare tutti gli ip di una rete classe A
for a in `seq 1 254`; do echo -n -e "\r   $a   ";ping -c1 192.168.1.$a|grep "bytes from "; done
ping -b
  • dump packets contents:
tcpdump -nq -s 0 -A -vvv -i eth0 port 5060
  • dumping with ngrep examples:
ngrep -qt -W byline port 5060
ngrep -d any port 5060 -W byline > outfile.txt
ngrep -q '8005551212' -W byline port 5060 #<swk>:  only shows packets on 5060 with 8005551212 inside the payload
  • capture IPsec traffic for debugging:
tcpdump -i eth0 -n -s 0 -vv \(port 500 or port 4500 or proto 50\)